Fantastic SkyWatcher 130mm 5.1″ Newtonian Reflector Telescope. EQ3 Mounted VGC

Fantastic SkyWatcher 130mm 5.1

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TheSkyWatcher 130P f5 Newtonian EQ2 Telescope.Thisvery much sought after telescope is in very good condition.SkyWatcher is one of the premier makes in the 21stcentury. SkyWatcher are one of the few companies making parabolicmirror telescopes instead of scrimping on manufacturing costs andsticking a rubbish, spherically figured mirror in to save a few quid!DON’T MISS THIS CHANCE TO OWN THIS BRILLIANT TELESCOPE!
Youwill Receive:130mm f5Parabolic Newtonian telescope OTA. Tube rings. 2 Tube caps.Altair 6x30mmAchromatic Finder-scope4 Eyepieces +2xBarlowEQ2 mountinghead with control knobs.Drive Motor +BatteryExtendingaluminium tripod.Accessorytray
Everything has beenchecked by me, and is fit for purpose.
SPECIFICATIONS:Themirror in this telescope is parabolic(130P) This means it can bring all the rays of light to a perfect focus(Unlike spherically figured Newtonians, which are always a bitfuzzy!) If the scope doesn’t say ‘parabolic’ you can bet its not!Thistelescope will show all the basics of astronomy very well and it willmake an ideal telescope for starters or for those with someexperience who want a good telescope without the burden of weight andsize! This scope was collimated by me before listing, and will bechecked again before dispatch.
OpticalDiameter = 130mmFocalLength = 650mmFocalRatio = f5
Theimage in this telescope is beautifully clear and the excellent optical finder-scope lets you point the telescope exactly at theobject you want to see in the sky. The Finder-scope is perfect forlocating the Moon, planets and Deep Sky Objects.
ThisExcellent Offer Includes:
FourEyepieces.Thistelescope takes standard 1.25 barrel eyepieces.SkyWatcherSuper 25mm = 26x magnificationHerchellian(H) 12.5mm = 52x magnificationSkyWatcherSuper 10mm = 65xH8mm = 81x magnification
Iam also including a ‘Datyson’ 2xBarlow lens.ThisBarlow, when used in conjunction with an eyepiece, doubles themagnification of that eyepiece.25mm+2xB= 52×12.5mm+2xB= 104x10mm+2xB= 130x8mm+2xB= 162xAlleight of these magnifications are usable. 250x is the most this scopecan use sensibly, but only on the calmest nights will the image begood for viewing over 160x. My recommended magnification solution for planetsis: 10mm + 2xB = 130x
Focuser:Hasa good focuser with two lock-nuts on the lip of the draw-tube to keepyour eyepieces safe.Finder:Abeautiful ‘Altair’ achromatic 6x30mm finder is fitted. The finderbracket has a standard shoe fitting.
EQ2MOUNTING:Comeswith the easy to use EQ2 mounting with sturdy aluminium extendingtripod, as shown, which is veryeasytoset up and use. There is a motor which keeps the telescope pointingat the object you choose, once you have set up the polar alignmentproperly. Contact me and I will give you a link to my video showinghow to do this properly, if you require some guidance.
SiderialDrive Motor:Themotor has a working battery, but I will also include a new batterytoo. If you decide to revert to manual usage, I have included amanual flexy knob to attach where the motor comes off.
ThisEQ2 Newtonian telescope mount is very suitable for the beginner toastronomical observation. Sturdy and robust. It is smooth inoperation and easily carries the weight of this fine telescope.
Thistripod has bracing between its legs, and is easy to fold away afteruse. It is very stable in use when the legs are fully splayed,andthere is an ample accessory tray.

Weightis<13Kg so, it's light enough to move in and out for observing. Itis an IDEAL FIRST TELESCOPE! THISTELESCOPE IN USE:Imaginebeing at the eyepiece of this excellent instrument observing themagical treasures of the universe beneath a coal black winter’s nightsky, slewing effortlessly from object to sparkling object, in yourpersonal programme of astronomical observation and discovery. WhatWonders Will You See?
Thistelescope will show you allthe basics ofgeneral astronomy:-
SOLARSYSTEM:Detail onthe planets
Mercuryand Venus will showtheir phases (Mercury is distinctly pink).
Marswill show a definite disc and some markings and polar cap, on closestapproach.
Asteroids:Track down the famous five! Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Juno and Astraea
Jupiterwill show its bands / belts and, of course, its four Galilean moons.Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
Saturnwill show its rings and Titan, its biggest moon, easily + 4 more!
Uranusand Neptune will bevisible as tiny greeny / bluey star-like discs, follow their journeythrough the stars.
(Youcan’t reliably see Plutoeven with a 150mm telescope by eye! )
Youwill be able to explore the craters, mountains, rilles and valleys ofthe Moon*when it’s in a phase, and the ray craters when it’s full.
*Moonphoto taken by me with a SkyWatcher 130P telescope. Hand heldsmart-phone single shot!
DEEPSKY: Galaxies,star clouds, nebulae and globular clustersYoucan easily see:-
TheAndromeda Galaxy (M32), TheOrion Nebula (M42), TheGreat Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13),TheDumb-bell Nebula (M27),TheRing Nebula (M57),andmany more deep sky ‘Messier’ wonders. TheSeven Sisters, ‘The Pleiades’, (M45) is a wonderful sight on lowpower.
DOUBLESTARS:EpsilonLyra: The Double Double. Two close pairs of stars.AlbireoBeta Cygni: Beautiful blue and gold pair.AlphaHerculis: Beautiful red and greeny/white pair.Alcor& Mizar: Wide white double, but Mizar is a double too!
It’swinter,which means you can get your teeth into observing and learning to useyour new scope in the early evening That’s great for the kids!But wrap up warm, it’s very chilly out there!
All-in-allthis is a really nice telescope that will show lots of detail,without breaking the bank or being too difficult to use. A brilliantfirst telescope. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++AboutME:Myname is Barry Cooper. I’ma second-hand telescope dealer.
Ido not sell rubbish telescopes! My feedback depends on it… Ihave 50+ years experience observing with telescopes. Isell only instruments that will be useful to amateur astronomers. 
I’mnot selling this instrument because it doesn’t work right, or becauseI don’t know how to use it, or indeed because I’m trying to hoodwinkyou into buying something that’s not as good as I say it is. I selltelescopes to make a bit of money, obviously, but also because I wantto see newcomers to the hobby start off on the right foot. I want youtobe very happy with your telescope.
Thereare a lot of so-called ‘starter’ scopes out there, (even being soldby reputable telescope suppliers!) that I won’t and don’t allowthrough my door! Auctions are filled with instruments with secondrate, poor quality optics, ridiculous magnifications and outrageousdetail claims.
Iwould never sell any of the following makes, their optics are awfuland sometimes even plastic! Please, never buy any of these:Bushnell/ Edu Science / Jessops / National Geographic / Opticraft / Optus /Science Tec / Seben / Simmons / Tasco / Vision King / Vivitar /Zennox
Thereare also, sadly, many telescopes with well known mechanical failings,which I will rectify before sending out. Buy another scope if youlike, take a chance, it’s your choice, but will it perform as well asone of mine?
Mymission is to give you a great scope at a good start price. My BuyIt Now price is always very fair, but people, bless them, like tobid, don’t they? And I’m afraid, more often than not, the auctionfinishes above the BIN… But, I can’t help that!
Ialso offer a free after sales advice service. I know plenty aboutyour telescope and I’m happy to help with any problems you have andany query. I’m always available on eBay message, or via email from mySuperCooper Telescope Help website (Message me for details).
So,please read my feedback, absorb the advice on the website, and relax,you’re in good hands.
================================================================Thephotographs in this listing are of the actual item.
No”stock photos” in my auctions.
Anyastro-photos included are taken with the actual instrument, unlessnoted. In which case it will be because of bad weather. The photowill be from another scope from the same manufacturer, with same sizeand focal length.  I will not mislead you about the scope’sabilities.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Paymentvia PayPal only, please.
Willbe boxed in one box (15kg) and sent with a reliable courier (NotHermes or Yodel!)
Thetelescope is packed in a sturdy, plain cardboard box with plenty of bubblewrap to keep it safe during its journey.
Goodluck and happy bidding. ;o)

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Category: Cameras and Photography:Telescopes and Binoculars:Telescopes
Location: Sheffield