Awesome SkyWatcher 150PL 6″ Parabolic Newtonian Reflector Telescope. EQ3+ VGC

Awesome SkyWatcher 150PL 6

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TheAbsolutely Superb 150mm diameter,Parabolicf8 and 1,200mm F/L AstronomicalEquatorial Newtonian Telescope.
Pleaseread all the way down Lots to see in 5 sections!——————————————————————————————SECTION1: OverviewSkyWatcher150PL on EQ3+ (SkyScan2001)
Thisfantastic, and physically huge, telescope will show much more than just thebasics of astronomy in much greater detail than the smallertelescopes you see advertised with their superlatives!  Thisis a top quality telescope with diffraction limited optics (It don’tget better than that folks!) Make no mistake Optically this isthe dog’s!Thisequatorially mounted, optically excellent, parabolic telescope isvery well suited to the serious astronomer.Thisis not a small telescope, it’s an ideal instrument for for those withsome experience who want excellent resolution in an impressivepackage. Great for starters too Why start too small?Cosmeticallythere are a number of small scratches and paint knocks on the tube.It’s a big scope and in the dark it finds things! Nothing horrible,though. Naturally, there is nothing that affects its use or qualityof image.
Thisis an amazing deal, not to be missed. If you are lucky enough to getthis telescope, you will never need another! 
Thefirst thing you will experience after setting this scope up is awe athow impressively large it is Then, you will have that aweexpanded ten fold when you use it on the night sky! Thestars are pinpoints and there are stars wherever you look!  Thedetail level on the major planets is amazing. This is a planetaryspecialist telescope.
TelescopeSpec: SkyWatcher 150PL (PL= Parabolic / Long)
OpticalDiameter: 150mmFocalLength: 1,200mm Ratio: f8.0Resolution:0.77 seconds of arcStellarMagnitude Limit: 13.58DSOMagnitude Limit: 11.58
Eyepieces:Thisgreat scope takes standard 1.25 barrel eyepieces, and I haveincluded three good quality ones for you.  They are in a rangeof useful sizes. From 6mm to 25mm.
Plssl25mm = 48x Super10mm = 120xPlssl 6mm = 200x
Barlow:OriginalSkyWatcher 2xBarlow lens included.  Usewith each eyepiece to double the magnification.
Pl25mm +2B = 96xS10mm +2B= 240xPl 6mm +2B= 400x(Notrecommended other than for Moon)
Youhave SIX usable, and different, magnifications with your threeeyepieces!
OTA: 6.75Kg
Total: About 20.5Kgin use.So,have a think – Is it going to be too heavy to move in and out forobserving? 
Remember:Being a dovetail mounted scope, you can easily take it off themounting for easier, and safer, transportation!
Focuser:Excellentquality smooth focusing mount with adjustable drag / lock. This makesit easy to achieve a good focus, and keep it if you hang a DSLR offthe back end!
Finder-scope:Thisscope comes with an achromatic, optical, magnifying, cross-hairfinder that will reveal objects as faint as magnitude 10.0M
Mounting:Comeswith SkyWatcher’s superbly successful and super-smooth equatorialEQ3+ SkyScan2001 type mounting, with dovetail fitting.Ithas a very sturdy, aluminium extending tripod as shown. Make sure thescope is nicely balanced for best results of slow motion controls.360degree worm wheel on both the RA axis and Declination, give precisecontrol of scope direction using manual slow motion flexy knobs tokeep the objects in the field of view.Themounting polar axis is easily set for your local latitude. There’sa very clear latitude scale on the side…PolarscopeThisparticular mounting has the optional ‘Polarscope’ fitted and hasprecision polar northing adjustment on the tripod top, above the ‘N’of the North leg. See pics.
Accessorytray between tripod legs.Specificationsheet from SuperCooper.
——————————————————————————————SECTION3: ThisTelescope in Use.
This isan excellent time of year to start your serious astronomystory.

WhatWonders Will You See?Imagine observing the beautyof the universe beneath a deep azure, crisp, spring sky, slewingeffortlessly from object to glittering object, as you conduct yourown personal astronomical observation and discovery programme withthis beautiful Newtonian!
Thistelescope will show you much more than just the basics of generalastronomy. It is particularly suited to observation of Solar Systemobjects:-
Detailon the planets: This is a Planet Gobbler!
Mercuryand Venus:will clearly show their phases. Mercury is pink!
Mars:will show its disc, dusky markings and the polar cap on closestapproach.
Asteroids:Trackdown the brightest: Ceres, Vesta, Juno, Pallas, Astraea, Hebe and anyabove magnitude 12.0M
Jupiter:will show detail in the bands / belts, the GRS and, of course, itsfour Galilean moons:Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
Saturn:will show its rings, including the Cassini Division and Titan,its biggest moon, easily. Plus: Dione,Rhea, Tethys, and Iapetus.
Uranusand Neptune:will be visible as tiny greeny-blue discs.
(Youcan’t reliably see Plutoeven with a 200mm telescope by eye! )
Moon*:You will be able to explore the craters, mountains, rilles andvalleys of the Moon when it’s in a phase, and the ray craters whenit’s full.
*TheMoon picture was taken, hand-held, with Galaxy J6+ smart-phone. Itis not a stacked image and shows what can be seen with this superbtelescope! 
DEEPSKY:Youcan easily see:-
TheAndromeda Galaxy (M32), TheOrion Nebula (M42), Easily resolves the ‘Trapezium’ as four stars. TheGreat Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13),TheDumb-bell Nebula (M27),TheRing Nebula (M57),infact, all the deep sky ‘Messier’ wonders. TheSeven Sisters (M45) is a wonderful sight on low power.
DOUBLESTARS:EpsilonLyra: The Double Double. Two close pairs of stars.Albireo,Beta Cygni: Beautiful blue and gold pair.AlphaHerculis: Beautiful red and greeny/white pair.Alcor& Mizar: Wide white double, but Mizar is a double too!(Thedoubles listed here are the easy ones – This telescope can splitdoubles with a separation of less than one arc second. That means, ona very good night, Ganymede can be seen as a disc!)
All-in-allthis is a really superb, used telescope, that will show lots ofdetail, and last you many years.

——————————————————————————————SECTION4: AboutME
My name isBarry Cooper. I’m anon-professional, second-hand telescope dealer. (It’s a hobby!)
I do notsell rubbish telescopes! My feedback depends on it… I have 50+years experience observing with telescopes. I sellonly instruments that will be useful to amateur astronomers. 
I’mnotselling this instrument because it is defective, or because I don’tknow how to use it, or indeed because I’m trying to hoodwink you.
Isell telescopes to make a bit of money, obviously, but also because Iwant to see newcomers to the hobby start off on the right foot. Iwant youtobe very happy with your telescope.

There area lot of so-called ‘starter’ scopes out there, (even being sold by’reputable’ telescope suppliers!) that I won’t and don’t allowthrough my door!
Iwould never sell any of the following makes, their optics are awfuland sometimes even plastic! Please, never buy any of these:Bushnell / Edu Science / Jessops /National Geographic (Own Make) / Opticraft / Optus / Science Tec /Seben / Simmons / Tasco / Vision King / Vivitar / Zennox.
Theseauctions are filled with instruments with second rate, poor qualityoptics, ridiculous magnifications and outrageous detail claims. Mymission is to give you a great scope at a great start price.
(MyBuy It Now price is always very fair, but people, bless them,like to bid, don’t they? And I’m afraid, more often than not, theauction finishes above the original BIN… But, I can’t help that!).
I alsooffer an after sales advice service. I know plenty about yourtelescope and I’m happy to help with any problems you have and anyquery. I’m always available on eBay message, or via email from mySupercooper Telescope Help website (Message me for details).
So,please read my feedback, absorb the advice on the website, and relax,you’re in good hands.
——————————————————————————————SECTION5:Payments and Delivery
Paymentvia PayPal only, please.
Itemwill be boxed in: TWO good quality cardboard boxes with plenty ofbubblewrap and sent via ParcelForce, insured.  This will cost more than I am asking! (I will cover the difference).  If you are close enough I will deliver personally by arrangement.
Youcan also pick up personally, if required, from Sheffield.
Goodluck and happy bidding.

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Category: Cameras and Photography:Telescopes and Binoculars:Telescopes
Location: Sheffield