Awesome Meade 102mm f7.8 Refractor +EQ Fantastic All-Round TeleScope. VGC

Awesome Meade 102mm f7.8 Refractor +EQ Fantastic All-Round TeleScope. VGC

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TheMeade 102mm f7.8 Equatorial Telescope.It’sbrilliant for general astronomy! A good sized refractor capable ofdetailed views of both Planets and Deep Sky Objects Not a toy, a’proper’ sized telescope!  I cannot stress how impressive this telescope is in use – Beautifully sharp and clear images.

SPECIFICATIONS:Thistelescope will show much more than just the basics of astronomy andit will make an ideal telescope for starters or for those with someexperience who want a good telescope without the burden of weight andsize!
Theimage in this telescope is beautifully clear and the opticalachromatic finder-scope lets you point the telescope at the objectyou want to see in the sky.
Offer Includes:
TheOptical Tube AssemblyOpticalDiameter = 102mm (4)Focallength = 800mm FocalRatio = f7.84

TwoEyepieces.Plssl25mm = 32xPlssl9mm = 89x
BarlowLensMeadeTelecompressor 2xBarlowUse with an eyepiece to double the magnification:25mm+2B= 64x9mm+2B= 178x So, you have four usable and different magnifications!

90degree DiagonalAlsocomes with a 90 degree diagonal,which makes viewing highly elevated objects much more comfortable…Andalso, terrestrial objects the right way up!
Finder:A5x25mm achromatic optical cross-hair finder is much better than a RedDot as it collects light and magnifies the image enabling betteraccuracy in pointing at an object.
MOUNTING:Comeswith the easy to use EQ1 mounting with aluminium extending tripod asshown, which is veryeasytoset up and use.
Flexy’slow-motions’ on both axes give precise control using the controlknobs.
ThisEQ mounted Meade refracting telescope mounting is very well suited tothe beginner to astronomical observation.
Thistripod has hinged bracing between its legs, and is very easy to foldaway after use. It is stable enough in use when the legs are fullysplayed. There is also an accessory tray with this scope.
EQ1with Slow Motion controls:
RightAscension = Worm 360 degree. Declination=         Segmental arc.PolarAxis =         Currently set to 52 degrees North.Extendiblealuminium tripod legs and bracing.

Weightis<8Kg so, it's light enough to move in and out for observing, evenfor children. THISTELESCOPE IN USE:Imagineobserving the magical treasures of the universe beneath a coal black,crisp, winter sky, slewing effortlessly from object to sparklingobject, in your personal programme of astronomical observation anddiscovery… WhatWonders Will You See?
Thistelescope will show you much more than justthebasics of general astronomy:-
SOLARSYSTEM:Detailon the planets
Mercuryand Venuswill show their phases.
Marswill show a definite disc and some markings on closest approach.
Asteroids:Trackdown the ‘famous five’! Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Juno and Astraea. Watchthem sail between the stars!
Jupiterwillshow its bands / belts and, of course, its four Galileanmoons.Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
Saturnwill show its rings and Titan, its biggest moon, easily +4 more.
Uranusand Neptunewill be visible as tiny greeny / bluey star-like discs: Follow theirjourney through the stars.
(Youcan’t reliably see Plutoeven with a 150mm telescope by eye! )
Moon*:You will be able to explore the craters, mountains, rilles andvalleys of the Moon when it’s in a phase, and the ray craters whenit’s full. * Moon photo taken by me, with this set up, just before dawn 09/03/21. I used the 25mm eyepiece and it is a stacked image produced by a Samsung J6+ phone!

DEEPSKY: Galaxies,star clouds, nebulae and globular clustersYoucan easily see:-
TheAndromeda Galaxy (M32), TheOrion Nebula (M42), Easily splits the trapezium.TheGreat Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13),TheDumb-bell Nebula (M27),TheRing Nebula (M57),andmany more deep sky ‘Messier’ wonders. TheSeven Sisters, ‘The Pleiades’, (M45) is a wonderful sight on lowpower.
DOUBLESTARS:EpsilonLyra:The Double Double. Two close pairs of stars. Easy in this instrument!
AlbireoBeta Cygni:Beautiful blue and gold pair.AlphaHerculis:Beautiful red and greeny/white pair.Alcor& Mizar:Wide white double, but Mizar is a double too!
It’swinter,which means you can get your teeth into observing and learning to useyour new scope in the early evening That’s great for the kids!But wrap up warm, it’s still very chilly out there!
All-in-allthis is a really nice ‘intermediate’ (not ‘small’) telescope thatwill show lots of detail, without breaking the bank or being toodifficult to use. A brilliant first telescope. My first telescope wasawful – If I had had a scope like this one I would have been muchhappier!

AboutME:Myname is Barry Cooper. I’ma second-hand telescope dealer.
Ido not sell rubbish telescopes! My feedback depends on it… Ihave 40+ years experience observing with telescopes. Isell only instruments that will be useful to amateur astronomers. 
I’mnot selling this instrument because it doesn’t work right, or becauseI don’t know how to use it, or indeed because I’m trying to hoodwinkyou into buying something that’s not as good as I say it is. I selltelescopes to make a bit of money, obviously, but also because I wantto see newcomers to the hobby start off on the right foot. I wantyouto get a good telescope and be very happy with it.
Thereare a lot of so-called ‘starter’ scopes out there that I won’t anddon’t allow through my door! (Some even being sold by professionaltelescope suppliers!) These auctions are filled with instrumentswith second rate, poor quality optics, ridiculous magnifications andoutrageous detail claims. My mission is to give you a great scope ata good start price (My Buy It Now price is always very fair,but people, bless them, like to bid, don’t they? And I’m afraid, moreoften than not, the auction finishes above the BIN… But, I can’thelp that!).
Ialso offer an after sales service. I know plenty about your telescopeand I’m happy to help with any problems and any query. I’m alwaysavailable on eBay message, or via email from my Supercooper TelescopeHelp website (Message me for details).
AllI ask in return is favourable and honest feedback once you’re happy!If, for whatever reason, you are not happy, get in touch and I willtry to sort it out… So, please read my feedback, absorb the adviceon the website, and relax, you’re in good hands.


Paymentvia PayPal only, please.
Willbe boxed in one original box (9.5kg) and sent with a reliable courier(NotHermes or Yodel!)
Thetelescope and its mounting are packed in a sturdy cardboard box withplenty of bubblewrap to keep them safe in transit.
Goodluck and happy bidding. ;o)
================================================================Thephotographs in this listing are of the actual item.

No”stock photos” in my auctions.
Anyastro-photos included are taken with the actual instrument, unlessnoted differently. In which case it will almost certainly be becauseof bad weather.
Thanksfor reading.

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Category: Cameras and Photography:Telescopes and Binoculars:Telescopes
Location: Sheffield