Capable Celestron 70mm f13 Refractor on EQ. Very nice indeed! VGC

Capable Celestron 70mm f13 Refractor on EQ. Very nice indeed! VGC

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TheCelestron 70mm f13 900mm FLAstronomicalEquatorial Refractor Telescope.
Thisfantastic, hardly used telescope will showall the basics of astronomy.
Anideal telescope for for those with some experience who want excellentresolution in an impressive instrument.
Thefirst thing you will experience after setting this scope up is awe athow impressive it looks Then, you will have that awe expandedwhen you use it on the night sky! Stars are pinpoints and there arestars wherever you look!
Opticaldiameter is 70mm and 900mm focal length Ratio: f13

Not just abeautiful instrument to look at, but also to look through!
Theimage, in this telescope is remarkably crisp and clear, and the RedDot finder-scope lets you point the telescope accurately at theobjects you want to see in the sky.
Eyepieces:Ittakes standard 1.25 barrel eyepieces.
10mm= 90x20mm= 45x

Diagonal:Excellentmirror diagonal.

Focuser:Excellentquality, adjustable drag focusing mount. Makingit easy to achieve a good focus.

MOUNTING:Comeswith the Celestron Equatorial EQ1 Type Mounting with a tall,aluminium extending tripod as shown. Make sure the scope is wellbalanced for best results of slow motion controls.
360degree worm wheel on RA axis and the Segmental Declination Control,give precise control of scope direction using slow motion flexy knobsto keep the objects in the field of view.
Mountingpolar axis is easily set for your local latitude. There’sa very clear latitude scale on the side.(Easyto Google your town’s latitude.)
Justpoint the main axis at the pole star and following the astronomicalobjects will be easy.
Cameramount on Upper Tube ring.

Weightis about 6.9Kg in use, so not too heavy to move in and outfor observing, even for young teens.
This is anexcellent time of year to start your serious astronomy story.

WhatWonders Will You See?THISTELESCOPE IN USE:Imagine observing the beauty of theuniverse beneath a crisp, coal black winter sky, slewing effortlesslyfrom object to glittering object, as you conduct your own personalastronomical observation programme of discovery with this superbrefractor!

Thistelescope will show you all the basics of general astronomy:-
Detailon the planets:
Mercuryand Venus:will clearly show their phases.
Mars:will show its disc and some markings on closest approach.
Asteroids:You can see thefamous five, if you can track them down!
Jupiter:will show its belts and, of course, its four Galileanmoons.
Saturn:will show its rings and Titan,its biggest moon, easily +4 others.
Uranusand Neptune:will be visible as tiny greeny-blue star-like discs.
(Youcan’t reliably see Plutoeven with a 150mm telescope by eye! )
Moon*:You will be able toexplore the craters, mountains, rilles and valleys of the Moon whenit’s in a phase, and the ray craters when it’s full.
*The Moon shots on this auction are taken with this telescope: See how the full Moon is not a good time to take pictures (Taken Friday 26th feb 2021 20:00). Phase shot shows a lot more detail – Taken just before Xmas. The shadows reveal the detail.

DEEPSKY:Youcan easily see:-
TheAndromeda Galaxy (M32), TheOrion Nebula (M42), The trapezium is shown as four stars in thisscope.TheGreat Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13),TheDumb-bell Nebula (M27),TheRing Nebula (M57), TheSeven Sisters (M45) is a wonderful sight on low power.
DOUBLESTARS:EpsilonLyra: The Double Double. Two close pairs of stars.AlbireoBeta Cygni: Beautiful blue and gold pair.AlphaHerculis: Beautiful red and greeny/white pair.Alcor& Mizar: Wide white double, but Mizar is a double too!

At themoment we are enjoying the wonders of the late winter Sky. This meansyou can get your teeth into observing and learning to use your newscope in the evening without staying up late!
All-in-allthis is a really superb, hardly used telescope. I have given it athorough cleaning and testing and find it very good. This scopewill show lots of detail, without breaking the bank or being toodifficult to use.
=====================================================AboutME:Myname is Barry Cooper. I’ma second-hand telescope dealer.
Ido not sell rubbish telescopes! My feedback depends on it… Ihave 50+ years experience observing with telescopes. Isell only instruments that will be useful to amateur astronomers. 
I’mnot selling this instrument because it doesn’t work right, or becauseI don’t know how to use it, or indeed because I’m trying to hoodwinkyou into buying something that’s not as good as I say it is. I selltelescopes to make a bit of money, obviously, but also because I wantto see newcomers to the hobby start off on the right foot. I want youtobe very happy with your telescope.
Thereare a lot of so-called ‘starter’ scopes out there, even being sold byreputable telescope suppliers, that I won’t and don’t allow throughmy door! The second hand market is filled with instruments withsecond rate, poor quality optics, ridiculous magnifications andoutrageous detail claims. You won’t find those in my auctions!
Iwould never sell any of the following makes, their optics are awfuland sometimes even plastic! Please, never buy any of these:Bushnell/ Edu Science / Jessops / National Geographic (Own Make) / Opticraft/ Optus / Science Tec / Seben / Simmons / Tasco / Vision King /Vivitar / Zennox.
Thereare also scopes with well known mechanical failings, which I willrectify before sending it out. Buy another scope if you like, take achance, it’s your choice, but will it perform as well as one of mine?
Mymission is to give you a great scope at a good start price (My BuyIt Now price is always very fair, but people, bless them, like tobid, don’t they? And I’m afraid, more often than not, the auctionfinishes above the BIN… But, I can’t help that!).
Ialso offer an after sales service. I know plenty about your telescopeand I’m happy to help with any problems you have and any query. I’malways available on eBay message, or via email from my SupercooperTelescope Help website (Message me for details).
So,please read my feedback, absorb the advice on the website, and relax,you’re in good hands.=================================================================

Paymentvia PayPal only, please.
Theinstrument will be boxed in one box (7kg) and sent with a reliablecourier …(NotHermes or Yodel!)
Thetelescope is packed in its presentation box, inside a sturdy, goodquality cardboard box to keep it safe during its journey.================================================================Thephotographs in this listing are of the actual item.

No”stock photos” in my auctions.
Anyastro-photos included are taken with the actual instrument, unlessspecifically noted. In which case it will be because of bad weather.The photo will be from another scope from the same manufacturer, withsame size and focal length.
Paymentvia PayPal only.
Itemwill be boxed safely in A GOOD CONDITION BOX
with plenty of bubblewrap!

Goodluck and happy bidding.


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Category: Cameras and Photography:Telescopes and Binoculars:Telescopes
Location: Sheffield